"Seize the best of the past, with the tools of the future" D.L.
Entering the doors of Enosis means being immersed in an intensification of knowledge through which one can arrive at objective and scientific decisions, guaranteeing reliability, competence, and professionalism.
In the laboratories of Enosis, molecules being an amazing expression of nature are well understood and this understanding can be the right viaticum to make human intervention all the more natural.

Knowledge, deriving from tradition, experience and research, makes it possible to create those emotions, year after year and bottle after bottle, that lead to excellence and an authentic expression of a territory.
“Oenology is a science enclosed in a small sphere called the grape – this fruit holds the entire story of the wine that will then arise". D.L.
“Our goal is to achieve and bring out excellence in the grape varietal” D.L.
The real key to study is the grape. Only by knowing all the molecules that it holds inside can we truly understand what the seasonal trend, the conditions of the earth and grower’s sensitivity have been, in order to define the qualitative value of a particular vineyard. These premises make it possible to start to study an adequate winemaking and aging system, leading later to bottling, in the most natural way possible.
The grape is therefore an incredible natural biochemical laboratory which, inside, contains the history of a vintage, the climatic trend, the work of the grape grower and the health of the land ... its DNA.

“I think the wine of the future will be that which transports the mind of the consumer to the land from which it originates”. DL

“The personality and recognisability of a wine, which can be identified within a well-defined territory, allows us to avoid the pitfalls of commonplace wines”. DL

“We must communicate the taste of our terroir and territory – the true wealth that distinguishes us within a globalised market”. DL